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Full Professorship (W3) of Ethics and History of Medicine

Eberhard Karls Universität üԲ - Medizinische Fakultät

Full Time
Apply by: 2025-04-22
Published: 2025-03-10
The üԲ Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital are part of the University of Excellence üԲ. They provide medical services at the highest level and cover the entire spectrum of modern medicine, research, teaching and clinical care.

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of üԲ invites applications for a position at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, a World Medical Association Cooperating Center, as a

Full Professorship (W3) of Ethics and History of Medicine

available from 1 October 2026. The successful candidate will be appointed as a civil servant.

The successful candidate is expected to represent the field of “the ethics and history of medicine” in both research and teaching. The professorship includes managing the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine. Additionally, the active participation and close ties with the Ethics Committee at the Medical Faculty of the University of üԲ and at the University Hospital of üԲ are expected. A collaboration with the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities at the University of üԲ is desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain the institute’s extensive medical history library. An endowed professorship (W2) in the field of applied neuroethics is expected to be filled at the institute.

In the field of teaching, we expect extensive and outstandingly evaluated teaching experience and commitment, in particular with regard to innovative curricula in Medical Faculty degree programs, as well as active contributions to lectures and other teaching formats.
The position has a teaching commitment of nine hours per week during the semester.

Required qualifications include postdoctoral qualifications and teaching experience in a relevant field equivalent to the requirements of a full professorship. Furthermore, internationally visible publications in the field of ethics in medicine and the successful acquisition of competitive third-party funding are expected. Practical experience in medical-ethical consulting and work on ethics commissions are desirable.

The University of üԲ is committed to equity and diversity and actively promotes equal opportunities. Female academics, in particular, are explicitly invited to apply, as are applicants from outside Germany.

Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference.

University Hospitals employees must provide proof of immunity in accordance with the IfSG before starting work (currently: measles).

General information on professorships, hiring processes, and the German academic system can be found here:

Please submit your entire application using the web-based application platform . The deadline for applications is 22 April 2025.

Questions regarding the application may be directed to berufungen.dekanat@med.uni-tuebingen.de.

Enquiries concerning the professorship may be directed to the Dean.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
University of üԲ
Professor Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Pichler
Geissweg 5/1
72076 üԲ, GERMANY
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