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University Professorship - pay scale W3 for the Chair of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology at Faculty V

Technische Universität Berlin

Full Time
Apply by: 2025-03-27
Published: 2025-02-12

Technische Universität Berlin and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are seeking applications for a joint appointment (Karlsruhe Model) for a

University Professorship – pay scale W3

for the Chair of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology at Faculty V – Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems

in combination with the position of

Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK.

This is an existing position which we are looking to refill.

Technische Universität Berlin is one of Germany’s leading universities of technology and enjoys a rich tradition and an international reputation. With approximately 34,000 students, 340 professors, and 7,500 members of staff, it is also one of the country’s largest institutions of its kind. The University seeks to contribute to knowledge growth and technological progress on the basis of excellence and quality.
The Institute of Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) at Technische Universität Berlin employs 12 professors and more than 300 research and teaching staff. The focus of the IWF’s work is on technology and the management of industrial factory operations. This includes both the development of process technologies and production facilities as well as their networking and modeling on the basis of information technology. Within the IWF, the Chair of Machine Tools and Production Engineering employs over 100 staff and specializes in the development and optimization of the concepts, assemblies, and components of machine tools, as well as the analysis and provision of innovative production processes and production process chains.
Fraunhofer IPK was established over 40 years ago and today employs more than 400 staff. It is one of the world's leading institutes in applied research and development along the entire process chain of manufacturing companies – from product development, the production process, maintenance of equipment, and product recycling through to the design and management of factory operations.
The Institute of Machine Tools and Factory Management at Technische Universität Berlin and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology work closely together at the Production Technology Center (PTZ) Berlin. The combination of fundamental research and practical teaching on the one hand, and applied research and development on the other, enables a unique and integrated approach to the research and development of production technology solutions from the initial idea through to practical implementation.
In addition to outstanding research skills, the post requires the ability to scientifically lead and manage over 500 staff at three locations, raise the profile of the Chair and Fraunhofer IPK among clients from industry and public funding bodies, and secure project funding by strategically aligning the Fraunhofer Institute with their objectives.

Reference number: V-50/25 (starting at the earliest possible / permanent / closing date for applications 27/03/25)

Working field:
  • Teaching bachelor's and master's courses offered by the academic chair in German and English.
  • Conducting research in the field of industrial production technology in the development of new separating and additive production processes and production systems for macro and microproduction.
  • Managing and heading the academic chair and its staff; supporting junior scholars; special emphasis on advancing the role and inclusion of women and fostering social diversity in research and teaching; knowledge and technology transfer; developing initiatives for internationalization; employing working practices that are based on sustainability and demonstrate gender and diversity competency; committee work.
  • Strategically positioning Fraunhofer IPK within the market; establishing the Institute’s objectives and policies on quality as well as monitoring the achievement of goals; staff management.
  • Designing research for systems solutions, individual technologies, and services for digital integrated production; holistic support for companies along the entire value-added chain.
  • Expanding networking with funding agencies and strengthening strategic business portfolios. You will be responsible for representing the aforementioned key topics in research and teaching as well as in research and technology management vis-à-vis public research funding and research stakeholders from industry, science, and politics; additionally, you will develop the strategic link between the University and the Fraunhofer Institute.
  • Hiring requirements are based on Sections 100 et seq. of the Berlin State Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz – BerlHG). Among other requirements, these include a degree in engineering or natural sciences, preferably in mechanical engineering, production engineering, or a similar program; a particular aptitude for academic work, usually demonstrated by the quality of the applicant’s doctorate; additional academic achievements (e.g. a positively evaluated junior professorship, a Habilitation, or achievement equivalent to a Habilitation); an aptitude for teaching documented in a teaching portfolio (for further details, please refer to the website of Technische Universität Berlin: ).
  • Outstanding scientific achievements in the field of production technology, in particular the development of separating manufacturing processes and the machine tools required; relevant knowledge of additive manufacturing processes and systems is an advantage.
  • Leadership skills and extensive management experience in industry and of large, interdisciplinary research groups; experience in the strategic planning, acquisition, and implementation of major national and international research and development projects in various sectors; experience in the acquisition and implementation of practice-based R&D projects; as well as expertise in improving the efficiency of development processes and in technology utilization.
  • Experience in advancing junior scholars, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as gender and diversity competence and a strong awareness of sustainability considerations. International working and teaching experience, experience in international projects, and a strong network in the area of science policy are advantageous. Excellent English skills are mandatory. Non-German-speaking candidates are expected to be willing to learn German as soon as possible.
The successful candidate can expect a variety of projects with a high level of practical relevance and autonomy in their research. As part of our family-friendly human resources policy, we offer staff flexible working hours as well as support services to help balance work and private life.

Technische Universität Berlin and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and actively encourage applications from suitably qualified female candidates. Preference will be given to applicants with severe disabilities who equally fulfill the requirements of the position. Technische Universität Berlin and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft value and promote the diversity of their members and are committed to equality of opportunity. Technische Universität Berlin is a certified family-friendly university and its Dual Career Service can assist you and your family with your move to Berlin. Applications from international candidates are also explicitly welcome.

TU Berlin is taking steps to make appointment procedures more equitable and has created a form to take academic age into account in appointment procedures as part of a pilot project. The form is to be regularly used in procedures from early 2023. You can download the form (Excel file) from the following website: .

Please submit your application, preferably in digital format and by email, with a maximum of 3 pdf files by 27/03/2025, quoting reference V-50/25 to berufungen@vm.tu-berlin.de and praesident@fraunhofer.de. Your application should include your curriculum vitae, certificates, a list of publications, a description of research areas and third-party funding, a teaching portfolio including a list of courses, and copies of up to five selected publications. If you would prefer to submit your application as a hard copy, include a digital version on a USB stick. Please submit your application to: Technische Universität Berlin – Die Präsidentin – Dekan der Fakultät V, Prof. Dr.‑Ing. Utz von Wagner, Sekr. H11, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin and to: Präsidenten der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V., Postfach 20 07 33, 80007 München. For reasons of cost, we cannot return your application. Please only submit copies of documents, not originals.

By submitting your application via email, you consent to having your data electronically processed and saved. Please note that we do not guarantee the protection of your personal data when submitted as an unprotected file. Data protection information on the processing of your data in accordance with the GDPR can be found on the website of the personnel department:
Inform ation about collecting personal data during application procedures:

The vacancy is also available on the internet at
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