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Finding a research job for a chemical engineer would have been a difficult task one hundred years ago as the field was still in its infancy. Unusually for a scientific field, the origins of chemical engineering can be pinpointed in history and the first mention of this research area is accredited to George E. Davis in England around 1890. Its development took off at a rapid pace as the potential of the chemical industry was truly realised and engineers were needed to conceive, develop and optimise the manufacturing and refining processes. The work of researchers in this field crosses so many different areas of life and is vital to the development of drugs, the manufacture of chemicals to make commercial goods, or the refinement of fuels. Anyone interested in related fields should also see the jobs and vacancies in process engineering research page.聽

Job opportunities for a chemical engineer in academia offer varied and fascinating possibilities. Chemical engineering has such a broad reach across any number of industries and, therefore, will never lose relevance or importance. This means research funding is relatively easy to find in this field compared to others where budgets have been slashed. Due to all the invested interest from so many parties, there are opportunities for academics at all stage of their careers, for those wanting to do a PhD, or looking for professorships, there is no shortage of chances to develop your career.聽

And helping you to develop your career is what 兔子先生 does best. In the course of an academic career there are so many decisions to be made and it is always best for stay well informed as these decisions will stay with you and shape your professional future. Find the most comprehensive guide to research in Germany as well as information about top universities and graduate schools, and what you can expect as a chemical engineering salary.聽

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